We rarely get snow days here in central Arkansas. We usually get ice that melts by late afternoon. Not this time, though.
I work at a national chain retail store that sells primarily books. I have worked there for 2 years, and we have never closed due to inclement weather. However, yesteday morning the city was covered with a layer of ice about 1/2 an inch thick. Here is a close up:
I was off work (and class, for that matter) anyway so the ice didn't really effect me. I was supposed to be at work at 7 a.m. on Saturday (today), so I was hoping for a hold-over of the ice. I wasn't hoping that hard, because it was just damn unlikely. However, it began sleeting heavily Friday afternoon, and by 8 p.m. I received the call from management: no work Saturday!
It's been very nice, I love snow days. My roommate and I walked to Kroger for cornmeal so I could make cornbread with our potato leek soup. It was a fun little trek. Later that evening, our friend Michael walked over (he lives maybe a 1/2 mile away). Later, his roommate Lacy and our friend Trey walked over as well. It was nice, you can still see everyone's prints in the snow.
I'm going to get back to knitting. Much of yesterday was spent knitting my 2nd Firestarter sock and watching Star Trek: TNG. Hopefully I will finish the sock soon, I am about to turn the heel. It's a toe-up sock so that means I have the heel and cuff left.
And here is a pic of what Ditto was up to yesterday. She loves that we were all home yesterday, almost as much as she loves boxes. Everyone being home a second day is going to just blow her mind.