So. After weeks of bright sunny weather I woke up this morning to rain, lightning, and thunder. The lightning and thunder didn't last very long, and it has been drizzly/sprinkly off and on since then. As you can see, our flowers are in the end of the year slump. The rain isn't helping matters.
One thing about rainy days is how sleepy they feel. Apparently if you are a cat, this is especially true.
Poor Stubble is trying to sleep. So what do I do? Harass the piss out her! Here she is peeking at me with her little mean kitty eye. She's probably pretending to sleep, hoping I will give up and go away...
Wake up sleepy cat! I want to take pictures and harass you endlessly! Poor kitty, just oh-so-tired. She worked so hard sleeping all this morning, I should feel guilty for disturbing her rest.
In other cat-related news, Ditto apparently loves my knitting bag. She doesn't often sit on the couch, but she probably thought that the bag was hiding her. Look at those glowing eyes, she takes some creepy pictures:
She doesn't quite understand why she bothers to let us associate with her. She forgets how much she enjoys kitty kibble. We never forget how much she enjoys it. For that matter, all you have to do is look at her tracter-trailer sized butt to see how much she enjoys kibble.
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