Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Well. I have been making Diamante out of Knitty. I like the weird waffle-y pattern achieved by simple ssk's and k2tog's, but I have a little problem:

THE TOE IS BAGGY!!! BAGGY! As soon as I noticed, I switched from size 2 to size 1 dpns, but that doesn't help the toe. And no I refuse to frog it. I know I am not far along, but I have frogged this yarn from a previous project (an ill fated attempt at Monkey) and I had a false start on this pattern as well. I followed the instructions for the figure 8 cast on (which I LOVE by the way, much better than the hassle of using stupid waste yarn). I then knitted the toe. Cast on 16, increase by 4 every other round for 5 rounds. Then, I looked back at the pattern and realized they wanted the method, not the exact instructions. They wanted cast on 24 increase by 4 every round for 5 rounds, then increase every other round until 72 stitches are on the needles. I tried to correct it (I hate frogging anything) but just ended up with a toe that was somewhat reminiscent of a step pyramid with two steps. It was comical looking and I probably should have taken a picture for laughs, but I was not amused at the time.

So in other words, I am not going to frog it and will try and make the best of it. Maybe I can knit the foot a little short, yes? To stretch the bagginess to fit my foot? If only my dad was still alive, or I had brothers, or a boyfriend, or a really cool uncle...but I have none of those. And giving this to one of my male roommates would be really depressing. I would have to see my awesome, stripey, waffle-y socks on thier stupid feet. The yarn wasn't cheap either, I think it was around $22. I thought about giving them to the friend who I knitted gloves for, but I don't know. He asked me for socks once, but he has probably forgotten by now. Socks are a lot of work, and kind of a big deal. You want to make sure they are really appreciated (!!!$22!!!).

Anyways, here are some pics of the sights on Alberta Street in Portland, Oregon. Next time, I will post the final pictures, which include some pictures from the University of Oregon, as well as shots from my frosty plane window. Laters!

1 comment:

pins&needles said...

Socks are a big deal. If anyone has ever received a pair of socks, it's like the high honor of all knitted gifts. Even better than sweaters. Nonknitters will never understand that it's not the time that you put in it, it's how it's made and that's what makes socks so special.