Friday, December 4, 2009

Hey, look, a sweater. I think.

Apparently, its really cool to sleep on a bed if you are a cat. Stubbles has been sleeping on my bed lately, and she just looks so cute and comfy that I have been letting her do it. She sleeps on the blankets, rather than the sheets, so its not a big deal. It appears that Ditto wanted some of this bed action as well. I snapped this a few days ago: I couldn't resist, they are so cute.

About 15 seconds after I took these pictures, Ditto jumped up and ran away. I guess she thought she was in trouble. Thats pretty funny, considering she doesn't ever see the problem when she decides to sit on the dining room table. It's pretty gross, and when you yell at her and tell her to get off, she just looks at you with her big, innocent, crazy eyes. Oh well.

So I am working like mad on my mom's sweater. I am almost to the end of yarn ball #3, and there are 11 balls of yarn required for this project, so I am guessing that I am about 20% done. I am so proud!
This color isn't very accurate:

This color is, though. Stubbles is looking at the sweater with such disdain! Yes, she is on the bed again. Notice that she is on the sheet now. I guess I need to make my bed so she won't lay on the sheets. Or I could stop pandering to a small hairy mammal and shut my door to keep her out. Guess which one I will do? Make the bed.

This sweater is getting pretty heavy, and is so big that I can't stretch it out on the needles. It kind of looks like a wadded mess, huh? I am to the part where it says: "Knit at least 3 rows of garter stitch, knit until the sleeves almost meet under your arms..."
Although next week will be full of knitting time as I only have 1 day of class and then 2 finals the rest of the week, I will not be able to work on this. I won't see my mom again until next Sunday, the 13th, when she comes to Little Rock to see the Nutcracker ballet with me. I really need to see if the sleeves "almost meet" under her arms. Dammit.

I guess I will start a hat for her. She requested one, and I wanted to give her one more small knit. If I finish the hat before Sunday (and I likely will) I guess I will have to cast on the Firestarters for myself. Oh no! What a tragedy! :)

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